March 19, 2011

2 for 2

Well, my life seems to be back on track.  I've (mostly) reined in my impulsive eating and got in three workouts.  I'm more on a regular sleeping schedule (it took almost a week to get adjusted to day light savings!) and feeling a lot more like myself.  And no, that is not a picture of me, but it kind of describes how I feel as comparative to six days ago.

This week I went jogging twice.  3.6 miles both times.  I finished both in 51.24!  Both!  How is that?  I'm thinking that tomorrow is the day that I try to get a bit faster again.  Right now I run everything in ten minute blocks and try to be speedy on minutes 3, 7, and 9.  Tomorrow I will try to be speedy on 3, 5, 8, and 9.  What I am trying to do (and probably will not be able to do before the race on April 2, two weeks away) is get to a 13 minute mile.  Right now I run at about a 14 minute mile.  Those thirty seconds can make a big difference in my overall time. 

Example: 3.6 miles at a 14 minute mile is 51.4 minutes.

3.6 miles at a 13 minute mile is a bit under 47 minutes.  That's more than 4 minutes saved!

Last year I completed the Springtime 10K in 78 minutes.  That's a bit over 12.5 minutes per mile (my PR).  I estimate that this year I'll finish in between 85 and 90 minutes.  I'm not in as good of shape as I was last year so it would be silly to expect me to meet or beat my time of last year. 

Life is good.  I can't wait to see how I'll run tomorrow.

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