June 13, 2011

United Federation of Awesome

I use the word 'awesome' a lot.  Everyday.

As in 'I am so awesome.'

Or my favorite, 'I am not awesome.  I am Super Awesome.'

I am Captain of the USS Awesome.  CFO and CEO of Awesome, Incorporated.  President of the United Federation of Awesome.

As of Friday I have lost 30 lbs since January.  50 in total. 

Yep, awesome.


Cheree Moore said...

you are totally awesome!!! 50 pounds is an amazing achievement!!! congratulations and have fun on your hiking trip to Mt. LaConte this weekend... make sure you take lots of pics.

Annie said...

that IS awesome. can't wait to hear all about your trip! (p.s. planning on trying to fix your blog comment issue tonight.)