..from here..
I cannot believe that I start teaching and my own classes in two weeks.
Le sigh.
What started as in infinity of time is now looking more and more like a giant stop sign in front of my casual, lazy days of knitting, reading, listening to music, and watching Netflix.
Let's see what have I been up to: yoga, hot yoga, knitting, zumba, pilates, mowing my own lawn, eating macaroni and cheese, going to Bible study (the highlight of my week, easily), not jogging, and waiting for my new heart rate monitor to arrive in the mail.
Not jogging? Yes, because the heat is killer. A one-mile loop took more out of me than a 90 minute hot yoga class. Should I jog at night? I feel like the loop around my block is safe.
I'm just trying to take gentle care of myself. Trying to care for my body, trying to not eat too much even though there's been a lot of delicious food lately, trying to read the Bible at times and focus on the fruits of the spirit. I've been praying for gentleness. It wasn't until a few days ago that maybe the gentleness I need to develop is as much towards myself as it is towards others.
Weight is stable this month. That's okay. I'm trying to weigh myself less and just trust that I know when I am and am not eating well, know that I'm exercising, and that those things should work. Focus on my yoga poses getting stronger, focus on pilates getting better, and if I was jogging I'd think about my times and pace and notice them improving. Maybe I'll go tonight just to document that fact.
Meanwhile I miss my friends, who have all left for the summer, and I am ready for my fall semester to start so that I can see everyone.
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